An inclusive, structured, fast-lane collaboration framework
We strive to maximize the value of innovation to society and reduces the innovation gaps among European regions.

Our Project mission, vision and goals
The vision for the Interregional Collaboration Framework is that innovation actors, institutions, and places from the BOOST consortium’s regions and regional ecosystems, and other regions in Europe, will have an inclusive, structured, fast-lane collaboration framework that maximizes the value of innovation to society and reduces the innovation gaps among European regions.
To reach the vision for the IC Framework we consider that project BOOST has the mission to act as a catalyst for collaboration between modest and moderate innovator regions and strong / top innovator European regions.
- Identify a critical mass of innovation stakeholders from BOOST partners’ regional ecosystems with interest in exploring cross border collaboration opportunities
- Initiate the participation and engagement of innovation stakeholders from BOOST regions in cross border actions leading to the development of the collaboration mechanisms and instruments
- Co-design a 5-year structural collaboration action plan, by consortium organizations and innovation stakeholders from BOOST regions
Target groups
Clusters / professional associations
Digital Innovation Hubs (regional and those that are part of the EDIH network)
Municipalities, County councils/ Regional Governments
Regional Development Agencies/ Innovation Agencies
Business Incubators, Hubs, co-working spaces
Business Accelerators / Startup support organizations
Innovation and Tech transfer organizations, including Science and Technology Parks
Business angels and venture investment companies
The key beneficiaries of project BOOST and the IC Framework are
Industry representatives
SMEs, mid-caps, large companies, professional associations
Academic and research institutions / organizations
Universities, research centers, think tanks (NGOs)
Public Sector Organizations
Innovation actors that invest in the green and digital transition.
Civil Society Organizations
Organization that support and contribute to social innovation.